일리노이주 샴페인에 위치한 새생명교회에서는 유스와 청년부를 섬길 목회자를 찾고 있습니다. > 목회자 청빙 | KCMUSA

일리노이주 샴페인에 위치한 새생명교회에서는 유스와 청년부를 섬길 목회자를 찾고 있습니다. > 목회자 청빙

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[IL] 일리노이주 샴페인에 위치한 새생명교회에서는 유스와 청년부를 섬길 목회자를 찾고 있습니다.

페이지 정보


일리노이주에 샴페인에 위치한 샴페인 새생명교회에서는 Youth Group & College Group 을 담당하며 저희와 함께 동역할 귀한 사역자님을 찾고있습니다. 

샴페인 새생명교회 사역자 청빙: Youth Group & College Group (Full-time)

New Life Korean Church in Champaign, IL


1. 자격요건 Qualifications

o   Master of Divinity or Corresponding Theological Degree

o   Eligible to Work in U.S.

o   Strong Leadership and Communication Skills

o   Experience in Recruiting and Training Teachers and Volunteers

o   Work Experience in English Ministry Preferred

o   Experience Working with Multiple Generations Preferred

o   Bilingual in English/Korean Preferred (However, full speaking fluency in Korean language is not required)


2. 사역내용 Job Descriptions and Responsibilities

·      Youth Group

o   Sermons for Sunday Service

o   Leading Group Bible Study

o   Leading Youth Programs on Friday Night

o   Pastoral Care and Counseling of Youth Students

o   Recruiting, Training, and Counseling Teachers and Volunteers, and Leaders of Youth Ministry

o   Planning and Coordinating Retreats and Mission Trips

o   Participation in Education Dept. Pastors’ Meetings

o   Active Participation in Conversation among Youth Group, Parents, and Korean Adult Groups to Ensure the Alignment of Expectations and Values within the Church.

·      College/Young Adult Group (Bilingual for KM/EM College/Young Adult Group or English Only for EM College/Young Adult Group)

o   Cooperation with the Senior Pastor for Weekday College Ministry

o   Leading Bible Study Groups and Leadership Training

o   Commitment in Continuing Education, Personal Enrichment, and Enhancing Biblical Knowledge for Personal and Ministry Growth


3. 제출서류Requirements

o   Resume

o   Personal Testimony

o   Ministry Philosophy and Vision

o   2 Recorded English Sermons (or Link to YouTube or Video Files)

o   3 Letters of References (2 Pastoral and 1 Personal)


Salary will be discussed during job interview. Please contact the senior pastor (pastor@new-life.info) if you have any questions as you apply for the position with required documents.

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새생명교회 New Life Community Churc

담임목사 . 이 메 일
교회주소 4701 N. Canfield Ave., Norridge, IL, 60656 홈페이지
전화번호 847-858-5619 소속교단 미남침례회 (SBC)

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